Applications are open for the M4DLink Women in Resources Mentoring Program. Female alumni working in extractives who would like support to become an effective leader, guidance on dealing with workplace challenges and career advice please apply by November 17th. To apply, you need to be a member of M4DLink.
M4DLink is a global, active, online community, where Mining for Development (M4D) alumni, faculty, and experts can collaborate with peers to influence policy and effect change through networking, innovative problem-solving, and sharing expertise. The M4D Community is open to alumni and faculty who have participated in study tours, short courses, fellowships and scholarships funded by Australian Aid and delivered by:
International Mining for Development Centre (IM4DC)
Australia-Africa Partnerships Facility (AAPF)
Australia Awards program including the Australia Awards for Africa Program.
If you are eligible to join the M4DLink website and would like to register, please visit here

Ms. Angarag Gantogoo has donated 850 books brought from Australia!

We have completed our renovation project at Children's Central Library